Essential Maintenance Tips for Keeping a Pool Sparkling Clean

The Pool and Hot Tub Alliance claims the U.S.A. is home to 10.4 million residential swimming pools. And it's no wonder. A sparkling pool is a delight and can add significant value to a home.

However, keeping a pool looking fabulous requires some effort. That said, a homeowner can take some simple steps to ensure their swimming pool is a delight for friends and family.

Daily removal of debris from the pool's surface improves its aesthetics and prevents automatic pool cleaners and filters from clogging.

Surface maintenance

Remember to clean debris, such as dead leaves, from the pool's surface daily. Not only will this enhance the pool's appearance, but it will also prevent clogging of automatic pool cleaners and filters. Also, weekly brushing of the pool's sides will help prevent calcium and algae buildup. Both algae and calcium buildup are unsightly, and they can also cause damage to pool surfaces.

Chemical balance

Set aside some time for weekly testing of the pool's chemical balance. The appropriate pH-balanced pool water is the key to a healthy and happy pool experience. Homeowners can easily source testing kits and chemical top-up supplies from their pool supply professional or neighborhood pool shop.

Pool filter maintenance

Filters are the beating heart of any pool, and keeping them in tip-top condition is vital. Always check and clean the filter cartridge or screens, and when running the filter, check for leaks around the clamps and seals. The filter may need maintenance if the pool requires more frequent backwashes than normal or if the water pressure fluctuates. In cases like this, a qualified and experienced pool technician is required.

Water levels

Always check the pool water level. It must be carefully monitored to ensure that skimmers and filters work correctly. In hot spells, homeowners may need to fill up more regularly. If the pool's water level falls unusually quickly, especially after filling, the pool may have a leak. In this case, inspection by a qualified pool professional is highly recommended.

Super chlorinate regularly

Nitrogen and ammonia will naturally build up in the pool water over time, leading to the formation of chloramines. Chloramines can give pool water an unpleasant smell and make swimming undesirable. Bacteria can also make their home in pool water, meaning swimmers are at risk of bacterial infections.

There is a simple solution to both these challenges: super chlorination. Superchlorination kills off bacteria and reduces the effects of chloramines. Get the right product from a pool expert or shop to treat the pool.

Be pool proud

Having a pool at home makes entertaining or simply cooling down more fun, but maintenance is essential. Regular maintenance protects the pool, enhances the home's value, and makes pool use more fun. However, the right advice is essential. If your pool is proving a handful, seek a professional's advice. It'll save you time and money and ensure that family and friends get the most out of those wonderful summer days.

In Depth Pool Service is a residential pool service for El Dorado Hills and surrounding areas. We provide cleaning, maintenance, and pool equipment repairs. Call us at (916) 633-7729.


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