What is a Chlorine Wash?

When the pool becomes unsafe due to stubborn algae and stains, the most effective way to restore the pool’s aesthetics and ensure safe swimming conditions is by opting for chlorine wash.

Improper pool cleaning and maintenance routines can result in severe algae problems. A pool with algae growth and other debris looks unsightly and can prove hazardous for anyone using the swimming pool. Additionally, algae can reduce visibility and leave the stairs and other pool surfaces slippery, resulting in slip-and-fall accidents and severe injuries.

When the pool becomes unsafe due to stubborn algae and stains, the most effective way to restore the pool’s aesthetics and ensure safe swimming conditions is by opting for chlorine wash. Algae can leave stains on the pool surfaces when not treated immediately, which may require acid washing to clean the swimming pool thoroughly.

What is a chlorine wash?

A chlorine wash or rinse is an effective green pool cleaning technique that eliminates algae, bacteria, germs, and other hazardous substances from the pool and returns it to a safe condition. It disinfects the pool, making it fresh, clean, and new. A chlorine wash will take the pool from green to clean in no time, regardless of the severity of the algae. It is the most suitable method to clean an algae-infested pool that technicians cannot restore with regular or weekly chemical treatments.

When is a chlorine wash necessary?

Chlorine washes are the recommended method to clean all green pools. Some situations that demand calling in pool service professionals for chlorine wash include:

  • After purchasing a new home to ensure the pool water is safe

  • The pool is poorly maintained

  • Discolored pool water

  • Spotting algae growth on pool surfaces

  • Refresh the pool’s appearance

Chlorine wash process

A chlorine wash is a multi-step process. Technicians:

  • Pump out the pool water.

  • Pour gallons of liquid chlorine directly onto the pool’s surface and let it coat the sides and bottom of the pool.

  • Scrub the entire pool surface to eliminate algae layers, spores, and other contaminants and disinfect the pool. In extreme cases, they will flush the pool and repeat this step.

  • Rinse the pool with water or use pressure washing to wash off any residue.

  • Refill the pool with water.

  • Balance the pool chemicals to ensure it is ready for swimming again.

Maintain the pool after a chlorine wash

Test the pool water regularly to ensure proper chemistry and invest in professional pool cleaning and maintenance. Chlorine washing is gentler than acid washing and can be performed as needed. Conversely, an acid wash can affect the pool’s plaster layer, and using this process frequently can result in premature plaster degradation. Using chlorine wash to clean the pool as needed will eliminate the need for abrasive acid washing.

A professional chlorine wash will help eliminate all algae problems and brighten up the pool surface, saving the cost of replastering. Once a chlorine wash is performed, the pool will not require another treatment soon.

Hiring a dependable pool service is the best way to chlorine wash a pool. Professionals have years of hands-on experience and can perform the process safely and efficiently. They will ensure the pool remains algae-free and in top shape.


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