Checking a Swimming Pool’s Chemical Levels

Negligence can be costly when the pool suddenly turns green or problems develop with the pool pump or filtration system.

Swimming pool maintenance in El Dorado Hills, California, has unique challenges. Unlike many parts of the country, winters are mild, meaning algae can flourish. In addition, Phoenix is blessed with 340+ days of sunshine per year. Those burning rays can be harsh on the water in a pool, not to mention the pool equipment.

Of course, that also means plenty of windy and dusty days—after all, it is a desert. When it does rain, the droplets soak up the dust and particles in the air, sending them straight into swimming pools.

These factors and more mean pool owners must stay on top of the chemical balance in their pools. Negligence can be costly when the pool suddenly turns green or problems develop with the pool pump or filtration system.

While homeowners can check the level of chemicals by themselves for daily upkeep, a pool maintenance expert has the very best equipment and is prepared to handle all sorts of problems. For example, while pool owners can purchase simple test kits for chlorine, pH, and alkalinity, the kit a pool maintenance specialist uses is around $100 and tests the water and chemical levels in much greater detail.

Most professional pool service technicians test for several chemical levels. Read on to learn more.


When added regularly, chlorine serves as a sanitizer that keeps pool water safer from germs and bacteria.


A pool’s acidity, alkalinity, and pH levels must be balanced to prevent skin irritation and protect the mechanical equipment and pool filter.


A stabilizer, sometimes called conditioner or cyanuric acid, helps hold the chlorine in the water. It is another product designed to ensure chlorine is not cut from the chemicals. A low stabilizer level will result in excessive chlorine usage and potential cloudy water.

Total dissolved solids

Appropriate levels help prevent damage to the plaster walls, while high levels can cause calcium scaling. One interesting note that many pool owners must be aware of is that water can wear out. Every time a pool owner adds chemicals to their pool, they add solids (like calcium) that make the water hard. That makes it harder for the water to absorb more chemicals. Eventually, at about 3,000 parts per million, the pool’s water won’t absorb any more chemicals, and the swimming pool must be drained and refilled. Typically, this happens every four to six years, but using chemicals with higher filler accelerates the process.

In Depth Pool Service is a residential pool service for El Dorado Hills and surrounding areas. We provide cleaning, maintenance, and pool equipment repairs. Call us at (916) 633-7729.


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